Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I went out to work the other morning. It was time to start getting ready to stain the house. On the deck near one of the windows was this moth.
I hadn't seen one before and initially thought it was a butterfly. Google once again came to the rescue. It is actually a Luna Moth. They are a member of the Saturniidae family and are known as Giant Silkworm Moths. They have a wingspan of about 4.5 inches, with a white body, pinkish legs and pale green wings. They usually fly only at night and that is why it was unusual for me to see one during the day.

Luna moths have an interesting life cycle. Once eggs are laid they take about 19 days to hatch. The caterpillars eat leaves from different trees and shrubs including hickories and white oaks which we have near our house. The caterpillars grow molting their skins about 5 times over a period of 3 to 4 weeks. When the caterpillars are fully grown they are about 2.5 inches long. It spins silk from near its mouth and wraps itself in a leaf. It will stay in this cocoon for two or three weeks. When the adult moth leaves the cocoon it is not ready to fly. It needs to rest and allow its wings to fill with blood. Once the wings are inflated the moth will wait for night to fly off and find a mate. Adult Luna moths do not eat and do not have a mouth. The live for about a week and their only purpose is to mate. They were once very common but now are considered endangered in many areas.

After posing for these pictures this moth flew off. I assume to find a mate.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful creature. Never seen one and would love to. Good luck with your staining.
