Thursday, July 31, 2014

Things to Think About

All of us are involved in relationships of one sort or another with many different people. We rarely think about how we could make those relationships better for them or for ourselves. Here are a few things to consider.

Get away from negative people. Relationships should be beneficial. Choose friends that you are proud to know. People who love and respect you for who you are and who you are trying to become. Life is too short to spend it with people who suck. You know those people who somehow manage to suck the life and happiness out of you.

Let go of people who have gone. We all have people who come into our lives and stay as long as it benefits them. When we no longer have anything they need, they leave. Let them go. Your true friends will always be with you even when you are separated by time and distance.

Give strangers a chance. Everyone has a story and has a history. Given a chance everyone has the potential to offer something amazing. Trust your judgment and open your life to new possibilities.

Everyone should be treated with kindness and respect. People who are rude to you should be treated with kindness and respect not because they are nice but because you are. People will notice your kindness. It is not a sign of weakness to be kind it is a sign of true strength.

Encourage others. Be happy for those who have good things happen in their lives. Be thankful for their blessings.

Forgive people. Don't live with hate in your heart. You end up hurting yourself more than those you hate. Forgiveness is not saying what they did was okay, it is saying that what they did is not going \to impede your happiness in the long term. You can put your effort into hating those who hurt you or loving those who love you. Which seems to be the better choice?

Do something every day for someone else. Perform some random act of kindness. It doesn't need to be anything huge just something to remind us every day that we are all connected and all worthy of kindness.

Be loyal. True love and real friendship are about loyalty, about being true to each other.

Stay in touch with the people who matter to you. Relationships are measured in attention not in distance. Stay in touch with people you care about because they are worth the effort.

Keep your promises and tell the truth. If you say you will do something, do it. If you say you will be somewhere then be there. Don't tell half truths because they are also half lies. Be honest because the truth will always come out.

Give what you would hope to receive. Don't expect to get what you are not willing to give.

Talk less and listen more. People need less advice and most often just a listening ear and some positive feedback while they search for the answers that are already within them.

Good luck with your journey through life. The key is all things is kindness.

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