Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Now That's Talent

Carol completed another quilt yesterday. Well complete except for the binding around the outer edge. She once again has amazed me with her abilities. I will never be able to understand or duplicate what she is able to do. There are piles of fabrics in her quilting room downstairs. There are books full of various patterns those fabrics can be cut into and sewed back together to create. Somehow she looks at that vast array of fabric colors and patterns and sees something that is beyond my imagination. I made one quilt. The limit of my imagination was using my old jeans to create a denim quilt. So I was able to use various shades of blue. Denim blue. How creative is that compared to this?

Impressive isn't it. She has a gift for this that I do not have and cannot understand. It is just my dumb luck to be married to someone who is so gifted at what she chooses to do.  This quilt was made for the bed it is on and works with the wall color and the décor of the room.

1 comment:

  1. Nice quilt indeed. It seems to have the sky, sand and surf colors of Tybee. Beautifully done. Please extend to Carol my congratulations on a stunning piece of work. And as for you, Mr. Sutor, dumb luck works just as well as that we work at.
