Saturday, September 6, 2014


Some folks like surprises. They want new things. Spontaneous actions and occurrences. Personally I prefer the known, the routine, the standard. If you wonder how it goes on Tybee Island, that is where we are headed. It is Saturday and that means Farmers Market on Wilmington Island. They take July and August off because it is just too damn hot. That was okay because we were in Illinois. When we go to Farmers Market here we are looking for specific vendors. The Pie, Not Pie guy. The meat salesman from Savannah River Farms. The Olive Lady with the tapenade. All were there today and sold us their wares. We also managed to buy some blueberry preserves and sweet corn from two other vendors. It was a productive and fun morning.

Speaking of the routine I often marvel at some of the road signs here in the south. Not advertising but signs placed by some level of government. On the way to Savannah the other day we were driving on the Islands Expressway. When we got to the bridge crossing the Atlantic Inter-coastal Waterway I noticed a sign stating the following. "No jumping from Bridge." We have crossed that bridge plenty of times but I had never noticed that sign. It seems to me that signs are put places for a reason. It has to be about 30 feet from the bridge deck to the water. We cross several other bridges on the way, before we get to that one., but none have that sign. That would indicate that someone or several someone's have jumped from that bridge for reasons unknown to me. There is likely no explanation for stupidity. Stupidity does, however, explain the need for signs. So, if you feel the desire to break your routine, look at signs while you drive. Notice what they say and marvel at the stupidity of your fellow man. Be sobered by the fact that the sign is there because they too are driving.

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