Thursday, September 18, 2014

Something New for Someone Old

Art is like magic. You know it when you see it but not everyone can make it. My dear friend and fellow blogger Mike saw Carol's first painting probably since she was in high school and encouraged her (us) to give it a try. When we were back in Northlandia (Mike's term- fortunately not trade mark protected) we went to the Dick Blick outlet store. Brushes, paint, easel and $100+ later they let us out the door. It had languished forlorn and ignored in the laundry room for a month. Mike would prod on occasion. He would ask when or if we had started. I finally told him it would be this week and I am a man of my word. We painted yesterday afternoon. I have much to learn but why not take on a new challenge. Before I share some photographs I want to relay a couple of things I believe are true about artists. There are those individuals out in the world (my favorite tattoo artist Jim Hawk) who are truly gifted. They live in the same world as us but they see it in a completely different way. There is a texture and a pattern to the world that is invisible to the rest of us. They can see it and somehow move it from perception to paint or ink or sculpture or paper or any other medium of their choice. It is unfortunate that we venerate people who can run fast, jump high or shoot a basketball or play baseball above this exceptional individuals. It is often after they leave this world that we see what a marvelous gift they left behind. A vision of the world we could not see without their assistance. I marvel at their talent. I am and always shall be a hack. It is okay because I understand after yesterday what Mike was trying to tell me. I made some art and it made me happy. It doesn't matter if it makes you happy. I didn't make it for you. I made it for me. So if you take anything away from this go do something today that makes YOU happy.

 Carol took this picture while I was distracted and trying to mix colors.
The finished product. A view from my prison cell toward the pile of rocks I will break in the hot sun.
Carol's painting from yesterday. Sunflowers.

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