Monday, September 15, 2014

Thoughts for a Monday

I took a couple of days off from blog writing to relax and spend some time thinking. It means that today will probably have more than one post. Time will tell I have a few things to accomplish today and Theodore's post still has to be written for Friday.

Spider update. Friday we had some tree trimming done. We had some branches that were rubbing on the roof and Solomon Tree Service came over to fix the problem. Of course some of the work was above the back door and Charlotte (the banana spider of prior posts) had her web destroyed. We were not sure if Charlotte had fallen victim to falling branches or crushed under the worker's boots. Saturday morning saw Charlotte working on a new web up higher. She has relocated to an area just off the screened rear porch and all is well.

The diet continues and as of today I'm five pounds lighter. Don't get too excited about that because it is like losing one fighter jet off an aircraft carrier. The load is lighter but no one can tell. Carol, Lily and I are walking a mile every morning. In the evening after supper Lily and I go out for another walk that is about a mile and a half. Walking on Tybee Island is interesting. First, no hills. Quite a change from where we can walk in Illinois. Second, there are always other folks out walking, or bike riding or (gasp) jogging. Third, the speed limit on most of the side streets is 15 mph. This is due in part to the fact that there are almost no sidewalks so you walk on the edge of narrow streets. What has been surprising to me is even after driving around town to see the sights there are so many things you miss even at 15 mph. I don't take the camera on walks because Lily just cannot cooperate and hold still. I haven't been able to hold her leash and point the camera with any success. Sometime, hopefully today, I will get out and take pictures of the things I have noticed during my walks. Lots of local history here and I will share some again soon.

Finally for this post, it was a good day in sports yesterday. The Bears won and if you can forget the first half of play they looked pretty decent. The nice thing for me with the Bears game was that it was a nationally televised game so I got to see them play. That is the problem with living out of market and being cheap. I won't pay an outrageous fee to watch the games that are only broadcast in the Midwest. It was nice to see the Bears play and even better to see them win. The St. Louis Cardinals are in first place in their division with a three and a half game lead over the Pirates with 12 games to play.

That will conclude this morning's effort at blogging. Stop by again later today and see what else the day has to offer.

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