Sunday, October 5, 2014

Diet Update

Well, I've been on this diet for about a month. They say to change a habit you have to keep at the new behavior for at least 30 days. I think that is bullshit. I've spent most of my 60+ years eating more than I should have eaten. Thirty days aren't going to change that habit. I doubt thirty weeks will, or thirty months. Perhaps thirty years will but only because by then I will be dead. It seems to me that dead men don't eat much. I have spent a month weighing and measuring everything I eat. It isn't fun but it works. It is surprising how much you can eat when you aren't paying attention. Those extra bites of food over the course of weeks and months become a weight problem. The result so far of my efforts has been 15 fewer pounds. I don't expect that level of loss to continue. My goal is to have the weight off that I want to lose by some time in 2016. It came on slow so off slow is the best way to go. In addition to portion control I have been walking every day. I bought a pedometer and wear it only when I am walking for exercise. Lily has been walking with me. She gets excited in the morning when I get ready to go because she walks with me. We had our longest walk so far this morning at 3.7 miles.

So that is the diet so far. The only thing I miss is beer. Now it is a once or twice a week single beer instead of a couple every day.

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