Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Yesterday got a bit out of whack and there was no blog post. The morning started as many do here on Tybee Island. A couple of cups of coffee, a quick read of my buddy Mike's excellent blog (existing in BFE), a look at the obituary column in Illinois to see if my name if there yet and a walk with Carol and Lily. Back home after the walk and it was time for breakfast. I'll be the first to admit that it never is much of a meal. Never have been and given my age probably never will be a big breakfast fan. Most days a couple of cups of coffee would do me but diet folks push breakfast. Usually for me it is fruit and a hard boiled egg. It was then time to get showered and dressed for the day. My motorcycle had to go to Savannah Harley Davidson for an oil change and to have the very soft front brake adjusted or repaired. As I was getting ready to leave Lily decided it was time to puke on the floor. Not much but enough where Carol had to do some minor cleanup while I took Lily out where she got sick again. Not sure why. The good news is later in the day she was fine.

It was off to Savannah and the Harley shop. I haven't ridden much down here because I knew the bike needed some work and I wanted to get more familiar with the local roads and traffic. I've ridden motorcycles for many years and riding doesn't bother me. Having said that I am concerned more here in Georgia than I ever was in Illinois. Georgia is a mandatory helmet state and that really doesn't concern me. The big problem here is the willingness of drivers to text while they drive. I was riding on the Abercorn Extension yesterday. It is 3 lanes in each direction and at 10:00 a.m. the traffic was bumper to bumper at 40 miles per hour. I looked to my right and the young lady next to me is glancing up from time to time while she texts. I slowed down and kept her in front of me where I could see her. It is something you see all to often here. Maybe I'm a bit out of touch with how important these people must be. There is something going on in their lives that is so important they are willing to risk the lives of others driving near them to text that vital message. What could it have been? The formula for turning lead into gold? Cold fusion? A cure for ebola? Not likely and all those things and whatever she was texting could have waited. I got to my destination and turned my bike over to the people who do that magic that keep it running. The process that should have taken about an hour took almost four. The bike had to wait its turn in line and then the mechanic advised me after the oil change that my rear tire needed to be replaced. Those of you who drive only cars can take a chance on a questionable tire. Since a motorcyle only has two tires the loss of one during a ride can spell disaster. There was no hesitation when the mechanic suggested my tire was operating of borrowed time. My buddy Mike, the blogger noted above, had suffered a blowout on the highway headed home to Florida. He was able to keep the bike under control and make it safely to a stop on the side of the road. It is not an easy feat on a big, fully loaded bike. So, a new tire went on. I let Carol know when I was done and headed home so she wouldn't worry. The trip home was uneventful other than an idiot in a full size pickup truck being impatient and tailgating me. I didn't have any lunch and got home about 2:30. Carol asked why I didn't walk somewhere to get lunch. I told her there was a Hooters next door to the Harley shop but I don't like going there. Maybe I'm thinking wrong about this but there is something creepy about a 60 year old man going to Hooters alone. It just doesn't feel right to have scantily clad young women serving me crappy chicken. Somehow their conduct and business plan makes me feel like a voyeuristic pervert. Seemed like a better idea to skip lunch.

When I got home I had a quick snack and Lily and I set off for our afternoon walk. While I was out I called Carol and told her not to fix anything for supper because we were going out. When we got back we looked at the guide books for Savannah and decided on a meal at the Distillery Ale House on Liberty Street. It is a craft beer joint with excellent food according to the reviews. The reviews were right on both counts. We had a couple of very good beers. I had some fried codfish and onion rings while Carol had a cup of crab stew and a side salad. There is nothing like living on the coast and getting fresh seafood. The onion rings were very good but I will admit a preference for the thin haystack onion rings from home.

Well, that was yesterday for us. Sorry about the missed blog post. There will be more than one today so stop back by. I've got some things that have been eating at me and later I will be ranting.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the old guy alone in a Hooters. Things I wouldn't have thought twice about 30 year sago, I run through the filter again. On one hand, I scoff at playing the age game, but on the other, yeah, the dirty old man thing is there for a reason.
    As for your bike maintenance, your safety is only as good as your last check-up. Glad you feel the same way.
    I'm surprised you are not a breakfast guy. I would have thought all country boys (and girls) started the day with a big hearty breakfast. Where did I read: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper? Well, whatever you are doing, continue, we want a healthy Jeff around for a long long time, regardless of what those text-messagers want.
