Sunday, March 30, 2014

A SAD Life

I was watching a little television this morning. I know that, standing alone, is a sad statement on my life. It is not the subject of this blog. One of those hair replacement ads came on and one of the clients said that when he had hair replacement and had a full head of hair again it was "the best day of his life". All I could think of at the time is what a sad life that must be. I got hair is the high point of your life. Really? Must be a virgin. I mean it would seem to me that having sex for the first time, with another person, would rank above getting hair. Must not have kids either. If the sex wasn't good enough to make the top of his list you might think fathering a child would. I don't see hair as being a life altering event. Becoming a father, now that changes EVERYTHING. How shallow and vapid is this guy? Does he admire his locks in every mirror he walks by? Does he spend more time messing with his hair than with the girlfriend he wishes he had? Life altering events- marriage, graduating from school, buying a house, having a baby, making a new friend, and getting your hair back. Which one doesn't belong?

I know advertisers are always trying to sell us stuff we don't need and pay more for it than it is worth. Take Folgers Coffee. We can live without coffee. It may not be fun but it can be done. What does their commercial say? "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup." I don't think so. When it is I hope I stop waking up. It's fucking coffee people! I'm 60 years old. The best part of waking up is the fact I woke up. I'm not dead. Best part of my day! Still alive! Coffee. Way down the list of things that are the best part of waking up. First piss of the morning ranks above that cup of coffee. I can skip the coffee. Peeing, well I gotta do that. It was a long night and I got a tiny old man bladder.

So that's my rant for now. Great things in life aren't hair and coffee. If you wonder if that is true go to the Waffle House and find a hair in your cup of coffee. It will change your life. How? Probably be your last visit to Waffle House.

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