Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Electric Eel

I hadn't planned it this way but apparently it is sex week on BodineDILLIGAF. Today's topic is condoms. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation issued a call to inventors a year ago to develop a more user friendly condom. There is widespread feeling among men that condoms reduce sensitivity and pleasure during sex and they are therefore unwilling to wear them. Most inventors submitted condoms that improved geometry or structure of the condom. Gosh, engineers and math geeks trying to figure out sexual pleasure. It's all about the math. Someone had the bright idea of making a condom out of cow tendons. WHAT???? Never fear super geeks to the rescue. Why not just reinvent the damn thing and go digital? Fraz Peer and Andrew Quitmeyer from Georgia Tech invented the Electric Eel. The prototype condom is made with a conductive fabric and a Lilypad microcontroller. It delivers short, mild electrical impulses down the underside of the penile shaft increasing pleasure for the user and his partner. The impulses are controlled by sensor inputs like the rise and fall of the partners breaths. I wish I could make shit like this up just to humor you but I can't. So take a minute and google Electric Eel Digital Condom.

Having said all that I do have some concerns. I will share just one. I have been shocked by electricity in the past. I personally have no desire to have any kind of electrical impulses in that area of my body. Isn't some effective form or torture hooking a guys nutsack up to a car battery? What happens if something goes wrong? How much voltage are we talking about. Batteries? Cords? Am I plugged into the house current? 110v or 220v?

Leave it to super duper alpha nerds or geeks to develop something like this.

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