Thursday, August 28, 2014


We all struggle from time to time with people or things or situations that make up angry. It seems to be such an unproductive emotion but one that is turned to all too often. What makes the most since is to start where anger usually begins. In many cases we get angry because of things other people do. We fail to considered their motivations.

The first step in avoiding anger is to considered the other persons position. They aren't necessarily out to screw you over they are looking out for their interests. They, unlike you, have not considered the interests of anyone but themselves. Isn't that one of the biggest problems in society today? Everyone wants to get theirs and fuck everyone else. We have glamorized the idea that the person who dies with the most toys wins. Doesn't make any since to think you are a winner when you are dead but the idea has gotten some traction in current culture.

This is another thing that can often prevent anger. We all wander around doing the best we can. Some folks best isn't very good but in very few cases is their intent evil. Certainly you could point to folks like Charles Manson and John Wayne Gacey but those kind of folks are exceptions. Chances of you ever dealing with someone like that are close to zero. In all the years working in prison there were only two who crossed my path. It speaks once again to the issue of putting your feet in the other person's shoes. Empathy goes a long ways in understanding where others are coming from and where they are going.

It would be great if we could all skip ahead to 60. All too often we get caught up in thinking what other people think has anything to do with us. Someone looks at you on the street and all of a sudden you wonder if there is a booger hanging from your nose. Do I have some of my lunch on my shirt? Are my pants unzipped? What is the other person thinking? They may have just looked at you to determine if they knew you. Most likely they aren't thinking anything about you. If they are what difference does it make. We see people every day on the street that we may never see again. Does it matter what they think of us?

In the end isn't this the end result of anger. It ends up punishing us. The person we are angry at or the situation that has caused our anger will most likely not be changed by our anger. We will be changed by our anger. It will not be a change for the better.

So Chuck has it right to a certain extent. Don't be happy and think it is revenge toward others. Just be happy. Determine every day that you will be happy to the best of your ability. Everyday won't be on top ot the world but every day will be better than it would have been had you decided to be angry. So that is the advice you get today. Be happy. Be happy always.

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