Monday, August 4, 2014

Push My Buttons

There are days I wonder why Mark Zuckerberg hasn't been hauled into the public square to be hung. Perhaps what Facebook has become isn't his fault. Maybe it is just being corrupted by some of the idiots who use it. The value in Facebook, at least for me, has been in keeping in contact with folks I don't see often. There is most likely a good reason I don't see some of them often and yet for some unknown reason I want to stay in contact at a safe distance. You know where you get to know what is going on without any real involvement. It is posts like this one that drive me nuts.

 It seems to me the suggestion that lies below the surface of this post is that if I choose not to pass it along I am not "American" enough. That I don't repost because I am worried about offending someone. Clearly if you follow this blog regularly you understand that I don't care if I offend everyone. It seems many who post items like this fail to understand the meaning of the pledge of allegiance. They see the United States as indivisible as long as everyone believes what they do. Worship the god they do. Liberty and justice are for those who live here and fit into what they think is a good American. You can't be a good American unless you are a Christian. If you cross our boarders illegally there is to be no justice for you. Just a trip back to wherever you came from as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter what the law says about due process for you just get on the bus or plane and get the fuck out of here. Maybe the change in the pledge made in the 1950's was a mistake. Before we added under god we were just one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. While god commands we love our neighbor as ourselves and care for the poor and sick we seem to have less and less interest in doing so. We turn our back on those in need. Incarcerate more of our fellow citizens than any other country. We do this while we pledge liberty and justice.

Being a good American is reposting some stupid shit on Facebook. It is looking around our country and finding some way to make things better. Some way to improve the lives of every citizen. It means ensuring that everyone has a place to live, food on their table, a job and adequate medical care. The jobs should provide a living wage. I don't think you should get a free handout from the government. There are so many public works programs that need to be done. Is there something wrong with those who receive a government check, who are not disabled, being require to provide some public service in exchange? So quit posting stupid shit, get off your ass, quit complaining about how fucked up things are and go start fixing the problems. Just so you know later today I will be at FISH helping distribute food to the hungry and needy in Knox County. It isn't much but it is something.

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