Thursday, August 14, 2014

Out of Step

Did you ever have one of those days where things just didn't feel right? Where the world is walking along in step and you are stumbling? It wasn't the insurance guy yesterday that was the problem. I mean I really don't like insurance salesmen since they are basically trying to prey on your fears. It was just that nothing quite seemed to be going the way it should. Late in the afternoon Carol went off to Galesburg to participate in an art class and it was just me and the dogs at home. It was quiet so I spent a little time contemplating and typing my daily blog post and rotting my brain with television. Beau came out to till up some food plots so he and the other hunters can blast Bambi this fall. Teddi and Lily were in their compound digging and playing and barking. Everything should have been fine. My mind should have been at peace. It wasn't. That nagging feeling that something was wrong that had been with me all day continued. I wondered and pondered and considered. I fretted and worried all to naught. Carol came home with her art work and I saw on Facebook she had been to Budde's and had a taco and a Nate-a-rita without me. Nate is the barkeep and makes an awesome Patron margarita. I gave her some crap about going without me and we sat and watched some TV before heading off to bed. It was while I was getting ready for bed that I found out what had been wrong all day. It was a simple thing I had done wrong first thing in the morning. I had reached into my dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of underwear. In my sleepy state I had managed to put them on backwards. Anyway that nagging feeling something was wrong went away. All was right with the world and it was quickly off to the land of dreams.

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