Sunday, April 13, 2014

Politically Incorrect

Well dear readers if you follow this blog on a regular basis you know from time to time I see things that get my dander up. When I do I just have to say something. We were walking the dogs today and I saw a sign I hadn't noticed in the past. Sometimes things are there and you just don't see them. Honestly aren't most street signs just there for us to ignore and do whatever it is we had planned. Seems like everyone who sees those don't litter signs digs around in their car till they find something to pitch out the window. Anyway, I noticed this sign near our house.

It seems a little mean to me to announce to the world that there is a mentally handicapped kid in the area. I mean really. It could hurt the kid's feelings. I just hope he or she can't read. We've met some of the kids in the neighborhood and they all appear to be normal so I guess we haven't met our special neighbor yet. There haven't been any other signs like a short bus pulling up along the street. No half eaten crayons laying around. No kids outside wearing helmets. Are the parents so ashamed they keep him or her in the house? Maybe they are embarassed by the sign. I think I know how to lure the kid out in the sunlight. I'll cook up a batch of tater tots. I hear they really like those. The sign does bother me a lot so maybe I will petition the city council to take it down. The other problem I have is with the turtle crossing signs on the highway. Why don't they move those signs so the turtles have a safer place to cross. Maybe on a side street where there is less traffic. Seems like they are so slow and the cars are going so fast on the highway. There has to be a better place for them to cross. Slow kids and slow turtles, I think maybe this area is just full of slow stuff.

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