Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Things to Think About

 It always seemed like a good idea to try to see things from the other person's point of view. They may be wrong, they may be right but something is surely lost when we dismiss what they are saying without consideration. It is, unfortunately, the basis of our political discourse at the moment.
If your are thinking of shoplifting and are considering a foray into the world of sex for money you might want to find this store. 
 This is extremely sexist but also funny.
 I wonder if there is a similar competition here in the south. The winner looks a bit older than I would have expected. Must have won based on experience and guile.
 I thought the Dali Lama said this one. It is close to the line from the Bible attributed to Jesus. I may not have gotten it exactly right but it was something along the lines of "Don't be a DICK!"
 I don't think I could handle that kind of power.
 Ronald McDonald should look into offering McVodka. It would have to make their food more tolerable.
 I haven't published anything too political in a while. It seems recently that stuff like this has been a problem with our political debate. You don't like something so you claim it is socialism. It works pretty well because most of the people have no idea what socialism means, or if something is in fact socialist. So when they hear that claim they decide whatever it is applied to is unamerican and they don't like it.
It is a sad but true depiction of what meth does to a user. 

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